is this shitposting
kashlong amirite
unfortunate choice of house
just off to buy some fags
Sex Ed starring u201cNigga Gokuu201d as u201cNigga Gokuu201d
stephie minus relationship goals tbh
After Four Days, I've Run Out of Clever Ideas. Have a Connect Four Edit Instead.
My take on this classic
Chemicals are appropriate for children, bigot.
What do we want?!
stephie returns to the twilight cafe
not the right body - prequel pt3
Something WORTH Getting Worked Up About
assigned male but accurate
small mind, bad ideas
This was made by some jew on the discord
u0337Uu0337nu0337lu0337iu0337mu0337iu0337tu0337eu0337du0337 u0337gu0337eu0337nu0337du0337eu0337ru0337 u0337wu0337ou0337ru0337ku0337su0337
assigned-is this a new meme?
haha funny
pizza girl and funny boy
/pol/ in a nutshell
she truly understands the struggle
My first act as mod is to ban everyone who doesn't send some feet pics to my DMs in the next ten minutes
Garbage content to fill the page.
no good edit ideas, post awful panels out of context
Ciel's Brand New Wand ( u0361u00b0 u035cu0296 u0361u00b0)
fur camp- act 1 intermission 6 intermission 5
maybe just a pinch of jailbait