I need chungus to survive
Omg cops are wholesome 100
my otp ship ud83dude0dud83dude0dud83dude0d
pig chungus
Big Big chungus Big chungus Big chungus Big Big chungus Big chungus Big chungus
I found him
Don't forget this gem.
u4e43 u161c u3112u5c3au3129u722au5369u3129u4e02
i coulnd hold it for 1 second ud83eudd75ud83eudd75ud83eudd75ud83eudd75ud83eudd74ud83eudd74ud83eudd74
mfw face when I see big chungus
Big chungus
The resurrection of the mighty chungu
very good
I cant believe this shit is real ffs
Itu2019s sad that people donu2019t know real humor
Every human worships a god
Not sure if this belongs here
I air drooped a big Chungus picture on a Texas chicken iPad
Don't ignore
Big Chungus: Big Yoshi
Heu2019s back
Amazing discovery
When someone says R/BigChungus is cringe
Just pretend this has something to do with big chungus
my hands are fucking shaking im getting withdrawls Jesus christ im normal im normal
ALL CHUNGUS HATERS CAN GO SCREW THEMSELVES ud83dudd95ud83dudd95ud83dudd95ud83dudd95
big chungloss
I once saw Big Chungus. Life changed.