Stop bullying u/oksobasicalyni, he is an official convert. Mashallah, brothers.
What should I ask him my fellow kings? ud83dudcaaud83cudfffud83dude24
I always thought it was some dumb formality but can Redditors seriously not tell sarcasm in the most obvious circumstances without /s
faggot numeto tres
Just out dog shit in a baby swing. I canu2019t wait to see the dumbass baby who sit in this.
MFW (my face when) I see a white u201cgirlu201d dating a black u201cguyu201d ud83eudd22ud83eudd22ud83eudd22ud83eudd22ud83eudd22ud83eudd22ud83eudd
Finna concoct a homunculus in this bitch
shieet ain't you a cute whiteboi? Wait...ya use reddit? Nah whiteboi I don't need no micro penis.
nice move
First image you see when going on r/dankleft
Why yes, I call Instagram users and ifunniers normies. How could you tell?
Close the borders to prevent bruhfunny genocide at the hands of (((okbuddyretard)))
crackas trying to get into bruhfunny to lynch us.. bruh
Another one bites the dust
Le wholesome trio
Epic Reddit Moment
Big help reddit. Thanks.
leaked image of reddit CEO u/spez
Reminder that your can edit comments to expose racist reddit users
when i see a nigger
u201ciu2019m afraid iu2019m going to have to repost this on AHS for transphobia. downdootu201d
Trucker Life u270aud83cudfffu270aud83cudfffu270aud83cudfff
Ngl Ted Kaczynski spittin str8 fax rnud83dude33ud83dude33
What was life like before he invented time?
Redditors when they get gold for posting a sob story to r/pics
Fuck, this isn't r/mtfselfietrain
Dont die for Israel! ud83dude33 Kill others in the name of Israel! ud83dude0d