Update from the UK: weu2019re denying everything
Gamer Biden
Click to Die Instantly
Interesting choice Joe
Fuck Elon Musk. All the assembly women say fuck Elon Musk.
^ Chinese Bot.
Don't you think working within the system is the best way to make change?
i fucking hate our landlord. anything we can say to defend ourselves?
Nancy Pelosi having dinner
I wonder who they're talking to
Yeah this is pretty much what college under communism would be like.
As an opponent of Medicare for All I would like to announce my simpler healthcare plan
Idiots, idiots everywhere.
God Emperor Yang will give us all neetbux
The other 900,000 people got lost going to Tulas, Oklahoma. It explains everything
Fucking yuck
america lmao
This picture is beautiful.
Life Imitates Art
Based Normie Discord Server
WEB Dubois on empathy
have you guys seen this plandemic movie I didnu2019t agree with all of it but there was some good info in there
I had to see this, so now do you
Snake in Peace Walker be like
Bernie supporters: had to apologize for being mean because they wanted healthcare. Biden supporters:
Climate deniers in a nutshell.
donkey says trans rights
If we ignore it, it'll just go away, right?
You can't make me not post my selfies.