These are the same people who think Russians won the election for Trump with internet memes, you can't make this shit up
Man, this good guy helping the bad guy that fucked him over is getting a bit played out
Cheeto man good?
Why read theory when you can watch it
It's cute that the university is pretending to care about community feedback before they go ahead anyway with their plan to force everyone into f
Liberalism is a mental disorder
SM64 Super Matt 64
u/IOnlySayMeanThings gives their opinion on how to solve the deteriorating state of r/insanepeoplefacebook, which is becoming increasingly full o
I made a flag for the revolution. LMK what you think
You know you fucked up when you get social democrats who have a fetish for voting to not vote for you
This is the sort of liberal that posts on this sub.
Let us please take a moment to pray for the interns of the Biden/Klobuchar Whitehouse
Running Defense
He's got all the best words
On a post about how Apple is deciding to start exploiting cheap Indian labor instead of cheap Chinese labor ud83eudd2e
Even the VERY powerful gestures thanking first responders is a target in the developing civil war.
America is taking a big poop and everyone is watching us do it :)
Before we're banned:
I just wanna grill
These armed men just showed up on my porch saying that they are here to 'protect the neighbourhood' and are refusing to leave until I pay them fo
watching Karens play tonsil hockey with their li'l shit dogs
Cops are gonna buy M2 Bradley fighting vehicles to patrol minority neighbourhoods with the $300 Million grant by President Biden.
I want to die
Jesus Christ
When you're full grillpilled
In authoritarian countries, even the ostensible opposition party is awash in nationalistic symbolism