Admins are coming post Hillary
Who says Libs donu2019t read theory?
The reddit equivalent of getting ratio'd
How y'all folks doin?
Made a pizza to distract from dooming
When u realize joe Biden ainu2019t shit
Shocking a known Trump supporter would support Morey and Lebron wouldnu2019t smh
Where did that bring you? Back to me.
Donu2019t worry guys. Everything is gonna be ok.
Remember: All men are kings, all women are queens, and ACAB
She has acknowledged our existence
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Yeah I read theory
Your brain on liberalism
Haha this sucks man
How is this real???
Jordan Peterson fans when they distribute his material
So the Uncle Tom Cornball deleted his account
Child visits Amberu2019s zoo circa. 2030
I... what?
did u kno..... women of color can be agents of US imperialism too?? #yaasqueen
Matt Gaetz is really coming on strong, don't ya think?
Grown Ass Man
Two confirmed kills
When I was