Anon explains
doctor anon prepares for Christmas
Kidney Transplant: Anon's Pee is Girl Pee
Anon tries to get /fit/
Anon has a thing for the funny yellow man
Christianity according to /lit/
Anons have a contest
God visits 4chan
Anon likes to take notes
You know what to do when you see a gun?
The Untold True Story of Mattress Girl
Google anon reveals their secret political propaganda bots
Anon is naive
Anon is master manipulator
A look back on in history
I know it's not greentext but fuck it's too good
Anon trusts 4chan for a last time
Anon gets a cat
Nothin' but guts
Anon creates his girlfriend
perro caca
You're looking for /pol/, not /po/, friend
Names for Mike Pence
Samurai Jack's alternate ending
anon pretends to be a girl
666666666 get
Woka woka