Remember fellow kings to grow your own food to fight against cooonsumerism
Ah fuck it, this account can be burned as well.
Speaks for itself
I renewed a ~35yo bicycle instead of buying a new one
Consoom jannie power trip
Decided to do some foraging in the woods. Found 21 total garlic roots in just 10 minutes. Any questions you have about finding it I can answer. (
I just opened Twitch for a moment while thinking about the meaning of life
Haha heu2019s just like us! Consume his products!
They fear the Fat Man chilling in his own homemade pool
There is a MASSIVE difference between RTX 2080 and RTX 2080 SUPER
Must Watch Pop Culture to Receive Acceptable Politics
Sorry for low quality image, but since weu2019re a vetu2019s sub now hereu2019s a picture of my great-great grandfather who served as an artiller
Consume illegal pills to murder your baby
Consoom Marvel, politics and gin
Sister ProTrads and Females against Modernity/Consumerism, Where you at? (Need more positive females friends and dont know where else to look but
muh video gaems
Replace your heritage with commodified garbage.
While I do prefer paper books, I can say audiobooks are a lot better on my commute then the radio. Anyone else like consooming audiobooks?
NOOOOO we need to destroy them for super mario statue!!!
One last reminder just in case there will be a ban wave: Stop watching Porn!!
I know itu2019s Soy Wars but itu2019s a good meme regardless
Have you heard the tragedy of Darth Drumpfius the Orange?
Me walking out of this subreddit as a winner even if it gets banned in few hours. This subreddit actually opened my eyes and started me getting a
Black lives matter, please consume our product.
apes together strong
Are you sure this will this help us sell more Chicken?