But it did
Beat your saber, bigot!
Based Israel helps preventing prostate cancer in palestine
And you don't even have to religious to see through the bullshit
Hehehe thatu2019s the place I go to COOM.
Someone BASED made this gif available on twitter, a true gentleman of culture!
[Marvel's Avengers movies spoiler] When you then start cooming and you don't stop cooming, fed to the coom and you hit t
When you get addicted to porn, simp for e-girls online and ruin your own life
The orbiting and simping never stops
Merry Christmas everyone!
Saw this while playing half life
ud83eudd21 ud83cudf0e
coomer thomas CHOOM CHOOM
Coomers discuss their diet.
Coomer literally forgets words and replaces them with sexual ones.
inside the mind of a coomer
with great power cooms great responsibility
Ah, Freeman, there you are. We just sent the coom to the test chamber.
This is the final stage of LE COOMER. Do you want to end up like this? Stop watching porn!!!
female Coomers exist and they are disgusting
Everyone who upvoted this comment on this sub should be ashamed of themselves.
Therefore, for Coomers to be free, they must seize control of the means of cooming. - Karl Coomx
Therefore, for Coomers to be free, they must seize control of the means of cooming.
The man, the myth, the LEGEND is BACK!!!
Well would you look at that
Addiction 101