Change My Mind
Found on twitter:
When someone wears a MAGA hat
3 bonus chromosomes guaranteed
Hahaha.... I'm Republican so, I support mass killings then
Always More...
The media will not address this
No more math
commie says people souldnu2019t have more then 10 milion dollars
I wish Nike would pay me to be a boot licker so I didnt have to do it for free
The difference between the mainstream media and the public in 1 image
The leftist thought process
Thanks, everyone hates you.
Aerodynamics of what now
And everybody clapped.
Fucking dark shit on FB today.
Not shocked...
A little late, but whatever
Just in time for the next debate!
Clown World
Greta Thumberg
When my liberal girlfriend has a bigger dick than my conservative self
I love it when a plan comes together
Truth Hurts
Fucking lol. That will teach us a lesson. No more welfare babies. Iu2019m gonna go cut my emissions system off and burn some tires.