Does this qualify?
Demographic Replacement is just a Racist Conspiracy Theory...
I made this
Somebody Gets It.
Thatu2019s all what matters
Another racial hoax gets massive coverage and conveniently forgotten when the perpetrator admits they lied
The voice of a generation
Could robberies be affecting the way our pancreas functions?
England is cucked and fucked
This quote by Aristotle is extremely accurate, u201cThe last virtues of a dying civilization are tolerance and apathyu201d
omg there really that stupid
In other words, u201cIu2019m willing to bypass the legislative process in order to alter the Constitutionu201d. They donu2019t even try to hide t
They are doing this, smh
Sad but true.
ya'll irl
When A Prostitute Who Robs Men One-at-a-Time Meets The Guru
What Problems?
Libtards tonight on ITV
The Honest Press
Rashida Talib wants $20 minimum wage
73 shot in Chicago this week, not part of the gun control debate though. Not a big headliner for MSM. Must be because it would be hard to blame T