Happy Passover Everyone! u2721ufe0f
Neoconservatism summed up in one tweet
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Average Neocon
The MIGA doctrine
Ben Shapiro on Identity Politics
If republicans had a favorite comic book.
The absolute state of England. What have the u201cConservativesu201d conserved there since the 40s?
Greatest Ally!
NeoCons - Whats the problem with that?
Itu2019s amazing that this also applies to modern mainstream conservatives
A reminder that a civilisation can overcome disease, can overcome war, can even overcome captivity, but it canu2018t overcome demographic replace
There's no hope for Conservatives
Choose your quarantine house neocon edition
Shit neocons do
Something, Something DemonKKKrats are the real racists.
WOW joe is the real racist!
Just what we needed
Green text
The internet has ended racism
Hurr durr classical liberalism is real conservatism!
If this is the last time Iu2019m on this sub, I want to say itu2019s been fun fighting the good fight with you all. Keep the Faith lads.
On a post on /r/Conservative about a tweet by Trump saying Antifa will be designated a terrorist organization
Can anyone tell me what the GOP stands for anymore?
They'll never vote for you.
The Senior Editor of The Daily Wire:
The left will continue to make things up just for the sake of there narratives thatu2019s how they operate