Remember when Ivanka said she has taken the red pill? Well this is her now.
Sorosville has borders
Hey we Mormons can be pretty based too, no offense papists.
Ayn Randu2019s Thoughts on Israel. (Not very individualistic, eh?)
And adding 2 to your final score if your coach is gay
Quarantine is like the nahtzees man!
Rootless Cosmopolitans
based black guy!
Everything I donu2019t like is Nazism
Big Floyd if someone just told him about how awesome the free market is and how democrats were slave owners
Gey if true. Kushner at it again
What the fuck is wrong with this guy?
Stolen and fixed from ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM ud83dude0e
It is not only the right but the duty of a private citizen when a felony is committed to apprehend the felon; and, after a felony is committed, a
3 years of pandering to blacks for 3% of their vote
Libtards owned. We conservatives LOVE the Spanish language, it's as American as apple pie!
What has been conserved?
Rational Fish STRONGLY CONSIDERS both sides of a argument LOGICALLY.
The white business owning couple that got brutally assaulted outside their shop are like.
The more you look the worse it gets.
Ah yes, the conservative value of doing whatever I please. It outweighs most things, you see.
Becoming progressive to own the libs!!
Any Questions?
The only place in the Middle East that wants peace is Israel.
Cringe? You want cringe? Ya, I got some, hold on.
There's no way to satirize this, this is peak retardation