So basically u201cWe ainu2019t free until we destroy Christianity!u201d
Hunter Avalone u201cdebunksu201d Race and IQ.
Farewell Bolton! You will not be missed!
Thank you zognald!!!
Future of Conservativism
America collapsing, israel most affected
Law and order?
Any silver lining to all of this?
David French: American Patriot
Democrats are the real nazis
This is an example of the big Redpills I took that pushed me to my current position. This person would literally turn America into Mexico if it m
The_Donald gives me a fucking headache
Racist Democrats! OUT! OUT! OUT!
Democrats are the real fascists.
Very cool ted!
Crack open the champagne boys, they are no longer laughing at us now.
Conservapediau2019s article on the Earth. These are the same people who are writing that Palestinians Arabs came as immigrants to Palestine less
How do we get the ball rolling here?
The eternal left-wing ideology.
Really canu2019t wait to invade Iran! Whou2019s with me?
Ah yes Israel the bastion of morality
We Wuz Antifascists and Sheeit (
Even from a left wing/globohomo perspective, this makes absolutely no sense to me.
PLANNED PARENTHOOD and OBUMMER are the REAL RACISTS #DefundPlannedParenthood
Hey liberals, if trump ain't the best president ever then how come Jamal can fuck my son's wife and work now?
Just saying
iSrAeL iS tHe BeAcOn Of DeMoCrAcY iN tHe MiDdLe EaSt credits to u/Cammyb65
Listen here sweatie, stop it with your white genocide myth
Wow that's horrible