JFL at the state of r/short
Image wouldnu2019t have been flipped if foid didnu2019t have to be in it
What do you have to say about this chadcel?
Is it over for me? Girls always complain about my mustache.
Does this guy have a bad personality?
When you point out the bad actions of a female on Reddit
Tinder foids in a nutshell
Coincidence? I think not
To foids looks = cheatability.
Twitter has been making threads exposing people on twitter for saying one racist comment or joke 5 years ago lol
Thousands of generations of breeding and we're the ones to fail to spread our genes.
Same species
Prey eyes v/s hunter eyes
John Cena getting height-mogged by our lord.
Where do you fall on this scale?
fuck this gay earth
brutal michael cera pill
A Drama in two acts
Fishcels walk past a coping ITcel
Me finally scoring a date for prom night
my hand-drawn version of Chad vs. Incel
Coplet II
u201cAnime characters do not look white - in fact Japanese people consider them Japaneseu201d
Gib gf gib gf gib gf GIB GF GIB GF REEEEEEEE!!!
Why yes, I do hate tallfags how did you know?
Sometimes I Feel Like I Have Nothing Better to Do Than to LDAR on This Subreddit, Then I Remember How Based This Subreddit Is.
Your not entitled to cat food sweety
Mfw i see someone taller than me complaining about their height, i'm 164 cm (5'4)