We're reaching levels of BASED that shouldn't even be possible
Hey guys, Chad here! Just letting you all know foids love a guy who works out regularly, takes care of himself and is willing to work hard. All o
Mugshot records say heu2019s 5u20190u201d
Incel vs Chad
Have you thought about having a better personality to attract a gf incels.
The male/incel plight is so bleak. No wonder guys rope so much.
You're not entitled for anything, stinky inkwell! NOT even for food and water!!!
Soy logic: Military men get cheated on frequently when they're deployed. Who's to blame? Well the men of course.
Foid starter pack
Hey guys it sucks being a giga truecel. I tried leanmaxxing to get the hollow cheeks, but it didn't work out for me. Now I look like a framelet.
A brutal comic made by an IncelTears user...
Jfl tallfags just canu2019t help themselves
Here's ITs favorite car: Daihatsu Copen
Incelcon 2020 was a blast guys, it was nice meeting you all to discuss the blackpill. Tag yourselves! (me in the sleeveless shirt)
All the 6u20192u201d chads just fucked me and left me, now that i know i canu2019t get them, I settle for my short king to simp for me and iu2019
I'm both black and short, what now? My negative experiences in regards to my height don't mean anything? The heightism radiating from the BLM mov
Over 90% of the content of r/tall be like
I'm a bald manlet with ptosis and I'm way past my prime. It's over, isn't it?
Rare based post from a female dominated sub
It never began for antcels
User overlap of the Tall sub
Foidlet who probably spent her entire life mocking manlets as most women do, now suddenly cares because it affects her son.
Cucked by the robotpill
Just another day
He wanted to bully me,i showed him who's boss
IT: u201cLooks donu2019t matter!u201d Also IT: u201cTheir eye area is shit and they look dead!u201d
Truth masquerading as satire
good morning, the wahmans are poopy-heads
Please God I just want one thing I beg you please God makes me taller, please I'd do anything, amen.
Just move to Indonesia bro.