CRIMINALS are having more sex on average Jfuckingfl my dudes
braincels user finally gets our point, hating women won't solve anything but understanding the system and the institutions that fuck us over will
I decided to check to see if it got any better, it kinda did but you still get these shitty kinda posts here. Posts that say nothing at
Fucking LOL
More examples of retardcels gate keeping when they dont need to
Lies behind the Bluepill
Defend Western Civilization
What happened to 4chan?
Stav from cumtown is proof that clout plays a larger role (not larger than looks) in dating than most incels realize
Liberals will shame men for complaining about their dating prospects, then turn around and applaud this
The true final pill
Incels: Why do people think we're retarded? Also Incels:
Hooray we did it reddit! Dumb shit from reached the front page with over 27k upvotes. THIS is why I critisize that website all the time
Finally someone gets it
A reminder that there is no such thing as femcels
r/darwinsdisgraced just got banned, wont be long before this sub and the other subs are banned
nigga what
I thought I was browsing for a second
Femcels: 'I promise we're real we're also very lonely' also femcels:
michael Gioia model chosen as chad for New York article, says regarding incels - Iu2019ve had my own rollercoaster ride regarding mental health,
the downward spiral
User explains the problem with edgeposting, IT, and who the culprit is
This is a very typical post on honestly, some good shit is mixed in there but a lot of sperging out and just dumb shit also.
He was correct in the first half, why did he have to ruin it in the second half? This is such a common problem in blackpilled circles, otherwise
BuT whY dO yOu HaTe WoMen ??