Media bias
Rioters in Philly deface a statue of Matthias Baldwin, an early abolitionist who fought against slavery 30 years before it ended.
Look at what they've created
Cause and effect
But muh diversity....
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on Bernie Bros.
Black Pander
No grownups allowed!
eat yourself
This Che guy seems pretty racist. Should he be cancelled?
When you become what you hate
The image says it all folks
What are the rules with statues?
Twitter and mental retardation. Name a more iconic duo.
Lefties will say all staticians are white supremacists
Now open up those borders
Damn white people
People in the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone are desperately pleading for vegan meat, soy, and other food items because homeless people took away a
The globalist's aim.
Bound to happen
Democrats see the black community as a thick booty call every 4 years, hit it, quit it, ignore their calls, then come back a few years later when
ud83dude34ud83dude34 the term fascist is to replace the word racist because it didn't work....ud83eudd2aud83eudd2a
One thing I can say about Leftists, is they are totally NOT hypocrites...
Proof transgenderism is simply attention seeking, egotistical LARPing. It's an act.
If only there were countries run by POC that could show the world how much better things could be?
No bats allowed
In light of recent events
The face of TRIGGERED
Translation: white people are so awesome we have to be racist against them for other people to succeed
Sad but true