United We Stand, Divided We Fall
Judges do not make laws! They cannot enforce laws and this goes hard core against the constitution! She is a Houston judge and I'm not seeing Gre
Liberal Logic
Is this OK now?
Photo of Antifa Terrorist Karen flipping of black Chicago police officer nicely sums up the current insanity.
Good question
Thank God
Free Hugs
A young woman lifts her feet while embracing and kissing a uniformed US serviceman at the train station at New Hope, in Bucks County, Pennsylvani
2019 NPC's
Based Beyond Everything
Is there an agenda here?
Average immigrant to Europe
(Fake News CNN) Black incarceration rate [US 2.75] - [UK 4.00] - [CA 2.25] Is the UK more racist?
Chris Murphy Senator D-CT (Iran) flip flop laureate.
If white people rioted every time a black man killed them, we'd never have any peace. -- Mike Tyson
Did not know Traditionalistic Christianity meant Dictatorship, but alright. (Swedish Aftonbladet at it again)
Am I the last sane person on the Internet? Because this is crazy thinking!
Cecil Rhodes' statue in Oxford is going to be taken down. Just another example of anarchists and marxists pissing on culture and history.
Listening to all the drones on Reddit against the protesters
Feel the force
#Trump_The Fisherman... Hillary_The Fish
Meanwhile on twitter... allowing pedophiles lol
Stunning and Brave
Don't fall for it
Is this kind of porn allowed here?
COVID19 deaths in China
Each and every last one of these fucking insects needs to be sent back u2014 THESE ARE OUR FUCKING PEOPLE THEY'RE RAPING! THEY DO NOT BELONG IN E