So we looked for the data.
Wholesome Soros
If you missed the TNSP Easter Meetup you missed out (me in the bottom right)
racists literally and eternally blown the fuck out
Horny hill tribesmen buying advertorials in Forbes
The Protocols of the Elders of Sodom
>only 72 more days until kids from intact families can start posting their gifts
Hah, I wish
When you see someone sad that a meme subreddit has become trash over a course of years due to unchecked immigration of normies
social media in a nutshell
me irl
dink dink dinkdinkdinkdinkdinkdink ding ding dun dun YOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooo
Open your eyes
phew, I sure am tired after killing and eating all those dogs
My pitty is such a sweetey! If you hate pibbles you're a racist! honk honk
Oi you got a Racism MRI Test Loicense!?
bruh what if
law-abidingcels BTFO
Okay based
lefties eternally btfo how will they ever recover?
reject modernity, return to chariots
*blocks ur path*
For all those wondering, this is my son Nestor. We share no blood but he is my life. He came from Cuba (legally, of course) six years ago and liv
stop the war
what really (didn't) happened
Why yes, late 2000u2019s to early 2010u2019s rage comics are my favorite memes, how could you tell?
toothpaste boy mad