Zoloft Wojak
Hey guys, those [insert group you hate here] are complete retards aren't they??? Give karma please!
>Tfw big boned
The Indoostrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
Tfw all alone
Pepe and Wojak are Out Of Touch (OC)
Easter egg go cronch cronch
You have been a lot to vote between conelet and bucklet but there can be only one winner, and that brainlet is none other than bucklet! Stay tune
Found this Dr Manahattan wojak
Talking to women is an ART
Wojak and Meme man had a baby
Dickus Maximus
Silent Jak
based skeet
Halloween special: Spooky Brainlet
Very epic
Cj feels
Tfw existential
Own version of previous meme
He also gets to watch when the bull fucks her for an additional 15 minutes.
Front facing emu looks like the original Brainlet
TFW your wife's bull won't share his secret soy sauce recipe
I have little shame, no dignity - all in the name of a better cause.
transphobics btfo
Old man Wojak
My idea of what would happen if a Doomer began acting like Honkler. Feel free to take the piss out of this one haha
The 25 year old Fed