FreeS**t for everyone!
Testing....East L.A. style.
Silly Joe...
I'm not a gamer but I found this poll hilarious. Woke BLM....or.... white supremacist?
Canu2019t let everyone see trump supporters doing good now can we
Best Pepe approved ud83dudc38 MEME AMMO....I'm calling an all out PARRIOT CIVIL WAR!!!
A few days ago I made a post on here about a topic similar to this one. A few people pointed out that I was not clear explaining my main idea on
As real as anything else this week
We DEMOLITION MAN level 4 people with these riots
She's got a point!
This seems to upset BLM and the racism screamers
No joke....
Bernie's real plan
Unrelated to politics. Reddit mods are so sensitive
In soviet Russian...
She could not be gone soon enough!!!
On MSM news last week trying to get more free stuff ........but what they didn't show was her trying to get free stuff.
Has me beat to
Atifa strong!
The Woking Dead
Made in Chy-Na!
... in a republic the individual is protected from the majority.
Close enough..
This is what has been going on...
Jake, from State Farm...
Who knew?