Tasty little snack here ud83dude4aud83dude49ud83dude48 https://bustatroll.org/2020/05/11/pelosis-daughters-arrested-breaking-into-liquor-store-fo
Ain't that the truth. lol
Can't tear gas the scores_afragileblackredditor.db scores_blackteenagersraw.db scores_vantablackpill.db scores_whitewomanblackmanad.db grandma killers...
PA Health Secretary Starring In...
1/1024 chance?
Biden delivers an eloquent eulogy
Shining shoes to end racism.
How Biden got the endorsement
Beetlejuice after voting Biden
Nancy decided to speed up the process
Wonder if this is how Biden picks up the kiddos to rub his leg hair
Whou2019s ready to grab 2 scoops of ice cream and celebrate dead terrorists? ud83dude4bud83cudffbu200du2642ufe0f
Don't do it Joe
We really should thank Joe for this template
Oy Vay!
This woman does not care about America or Americans.
So much pressure.
Pandering Piper Pelosi
Joe who?
True words
Funny timing, they waited until Bernie dropped out to change the rules....
my best meme of today
There may be other options.
I wonder what racial group this will offend
Damn you Siri..... But would it be such a bad thing?
Let's hear it for Tyler, this guy is AWESOME
Virtue signaling/singing on social media is dangerous and promotes a dangerous mob mentality. One where people are eaten up by their PASSION and
Best Pepe approved ud83dudc38 MEME AMMO....I'm calling an all out PATRIOT CIVIL WAR!!! <SHARE & launch against Dems/Leftist/MediA>