Say it ain't so, Joe?
Now that's just Creepy
I didn't make this one but thought folks here would enjoy
de Blasio's secret plan to harvest dick-pics
And they were singin'
Use Clorox by name
Tulsa....nuff said.
They let the booze do the talking
Scumbag killed his recently impregnated intern who had multiple skull fractures from bumping her head on his desk.
Pass it on
One ugly mother....
New campaign slogan....
Manipulating media strikes again
Keep on crying.
Just a meme exploiting fake news CNN.
I would not trust this woman to judge an ice cream cone.
Free plastic bags....>FREE <
Bronx smarts, (not to be confused with Street smarts)
Found this in another group. We are being lied to. How does CNN remain open for business?
Betty Bowers LOVES America.
The 2a guys
RIP biden campaign
Guess she is jealous
And again!
Oh Nancy...
Friend made this. Thought Iu2019d share.
Reparations need to be made.... said no sober Irishman ever.
Maxine Waters side gig,
Love your stuff Zed!! Let em have it!ud83dude02ud83dude02ud83dude02ud83dude02ud83dude02ud83dude02ud83dude02
Agent Knowitall