IT starter pack
Imagine having this problem
Casual height pill
any night shift cookcels here?
Guys, do you know hooow annoying it is to have a big, fat, juicy, girthy cock ud83dude44
An entire account dedicated to hating lord farquaad. Why? Because short man bad thatu2019s why.
now i usually date short guys but it just so happens that my boyfriend....
ITcels mad!
the anatomy of the ITCel
Say no to being a real man. Consume soy and be a cuck
Remember when BrazlianFascist posted every single hour of the day from 6am to 5am and every hour in between on Feb. 14 valentines day?
JFL based Daniel Radcliffe leaves roasties seething so much, they can't sleep
Soyciology is starting catching up with the blackpill
We have reached maximum capacity and still rising. I think we are gonna reach 1000 in about 2 or 3 hours.
Hey anon. I know you spend your days on incel forums. I know you only leave the house at night. Donu2019t you want to be normal, anon?
Creepy Man
Let's implement the weekly advice thread in order to make this sub not be seen as a mocking lonely men sub! We need to tell those inkwells to tak
LMAO look at this shit
Just photoshopmaxx bro
Take the camerapill ud83dudcf7ud83dudc8a
That feel when BBW_gaming deletes your post on incelswithouthate, but you also posted it here and it stays up here
When women falsely accuse men of rape, it's actually other women who suffer the most. JFL @ this gynocentric culture. How do you even come up wit
This allegedly 14 year old IT poster does more virgin shaming than all of IT combined jfl
If that logic was true, then all tall men (6' and up) dating women (5'7 and under) are pedos by default.
BRUTAL Wristmog
Based Chad
Remember, they don't actually have an argument
Duuuude you are 18 and you never had a gf Thats impossible! Iam like 5/10 and i have pussy everyday just be yourself ant talk more to people it w
Lol sweaty you say won't date single mothers? You are missing out. They are a lot more experienced and always have candy in their handbag.