Old Gold from r/shortcels
The Most Brutal Graph Of All Time?
This world has gone insane
JBWpill, and Hapapill in one picture. It never began for the little dumpling.
now i usually date short guys but it just so happens that my boyfriend....
Canu2019t stop wonu2019t stop
manlet logan vs tallfag wade
Why Chads never commit? I've a Phd, I'm a quality woman who knows what she wants not like younger girls, I bought then expensive gifts, I'm exper
Anyone else just LOL when females message you to harass you for being incel, then can't stop raging at you even when you tell them you've blocked
User overlap of IT
IT Refuge Sub
These BLM protests have brought us so many blackpills. Weu2019ve already seen examples of the Heightpill, and now itu2019s the turn of the Dickpi
Now I am become Gigachad, destroyer of worlds
This guy is an autistic otaku weeb and still gets girls because of his jawline
IT user brags about being tall.
It's a sad day in Bluepilled Land.
Teenage girl virtue signalling shit, of course it doesn't apply to dirty inkwells
Racism bad :'(, heightism good :D, teehe :3
He moderates an anti-incel forums, so it's ok
*TING* *TING* *TING* *TING* Gather round everyone, gather round. I've an important announcment to make!
Just smile and get a haircut bro
This format really triggers the females and soys (credit to fuetdevic)
Reminder to all the brocels here, it's NOT your fault
Don't bother arguing with bluepillers
Guys, my personality detector hasn't been working lately. Do you have any advice on how to fix this?
Slay queen!
I'm A 4/10 Manlet But I Respect Women, So I'm Successful On Tinder Game.
The obsession of white guys among curryfemcels is real. (Also, I pity her actual looksmatch)