Read it and read it again.
Feminist hypocrite number 6 gorillion
I bet you also liked Fight Club you incel
Transgender and Gender Fluidity are mental disorders
*Not supporting position X means you stand with the opposition!
Use this one simple trick! Troll libtards epically!
Stop lying, Ryan
Reddit came up with SMUGGIES. ALL OC IS FROM REDDIT!
No one can hurt us here in the hive
haha, can't believe you're still bitching about sjws
RiCe FaRmErS and wHiTe HoUsEs
heh the left can meme
Muh flying pyramids
really high effort smuggy
Yeah, u2018cause thatu2019s so much better.
Now STFU and LET ud83eudd17ud83eudd17 THEM ud83eudd17ud83eudd17 IN ud83eudd17ud83eudd17
The anti-hierarchy paradox
first one
im so above this becoz i have the more smarts xdd
You expect me to actually form a good response?
Overheard from a raging leftist at a hotel breakfast.
Smuggies: Magic Edition
My body, my rules. Your body, also my rules.
late time aborters be like
It All Makes Sense
What an argument.