The Fallacy Fallacy
A baseball bat will do just fine!!!!!111!1!1!1!1
Also, I'm so glad Disney re-hired James Gunn...
Soft Bigotry.
Ugh. So toxic.
Islamic Attack vs. Right Wing Attack
T_D can be confusing at times
Debating is weird
Empowering Fact of the Day
Captain Drivel
Calm down with all those comments PAL! Heheheheh
impersonal responsibility
All generalizations are wrong, including this one.
back to hive mind camp with you
after seeing that thread on r/trashy
Give orange up arrows
Capitulizm bad!!!!!
Racism against whites is equality
Free speech isnu2019t a human right, paid vacations is?
Why can't I wear whatever I want?
We know best, listen to us.
I have more upvotes than you, therefore im right
M'kay hunny
If you like capitalism so much then move to Somalia!
Europe man bad
Circular reasoning from the mentally inept