First Smuggie, how did I do?
I didnu2019t put any work into this at all and it shows.
He's fine as long as you don't make eye contact
Quit stealing OUR culture, whiteys!
uwu!!! i'm such a fwucking wetawd!!!! uwu!!!
smh stupid kids ruin everything because they're kids!!!1!
Drugging and robbing is NOT the same as drugging and raping, you fragile males!
wE aRe A cOuNtRy oF iMmIgRaNtS
I hate anti-semitism.
Nice try Nazi!
1st smuggie lmk what yu2019all think
hey president go fuck yourself
Its like no one thought this through...
Holodomor deniers be like
u201cAnd if that doesnu2019t work, we have eggs!u201d
Let him through!
A somewhat long smuggie, but these are my thoughts on police brutality
Such hypocrisy
Stupid crackers
Lamo Stupid Centrist !
tHe eLeCtOrAl cOlLeGe iS a DeStRuCtIoN oF dEmOcRaCy!!
leftypol IRL
Libertarianism before the invention of helicopter memes
Cucks have no political idealogy
take that facist
Duality of Man