Free shit for everyone
The rules don't apply to us! We have better OC!
My shallow existence must find meaning in something!
us college students are VERY educated
rEaL cOmMuNiSm HaS nEvEr BeEn TrIed
An old one from /pol/
Hate speech
The Left Canu2019t Govern
Yellow Fever Nationalism
%99 of the people in meme subreddits
voter id laws are raysist
Confirmation ud83dudc4fbias ud83dudc4f
r/MensLib in a nutshell
tred on me
Whenever a lefty ran out of talking points
Just because I don't see race it doesn't mean I'm gonna shut up about it
When the government does stuff
I spent way too much time on this lol
I mean come on...
Soft Bigotry.
Chekmayte Libatarienz!!!1!!1!one!
God Mean
Can you spell dissonance?
Pan gender athiest comrade looking for love
Thereu2019s no difference, you imbecile, you fucking idiot
Literally me
We are the voices of the minority! Now give us the majority of power.
Coming soon to a nearby school!