you post on the donald!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TRANS ud83dudc4f WOMEN ud83dudc4f ARE ud83dudc4f WOMEN ud83dudc4f
I see girl I upvote
quick, burn the constitution
Do do that because we told you not to!
Socialism isnu2019t when the government does stuff. Except when I want it to be
Haha fragile men xd
Libs Wrecked
Self Awareness is a tool of white supremacy
I don't think that's how it works...
anti-vaxxers in a nutshell
Battle of the sexes
Itu2019s kind of ironic
Taxation is good for you!
this is now a leftist subreddit, checkmate
Wont somebody please think of the chillrens!
Whenever I go on subs like r/shitliberalssay or r/enlightenedcentrism
Cognitive dissonance
I unknowingly drew a smuggie when I was like 11 years old. Found in my lost sketchbook.
That's why we disagree.. because I'm smarter!
unhealthy obsession
Public Transport Relations
I guess you're basically a closeted nazi huh??
Based on a true story
Generic title
Every anti-centrist ever
Spotted in the wild, demanded a smuggie
Drumpf is a DICTATOR!